How do you quickly get spreadsheets of leads from online events and other campaigns into your marketing and sales automation systems in a way that scales? You use Openprise automated data onboarding platform!
No more tedious hours spent cleaning up spreadsheets. No more polluting the clean fields you do have with non-standard values. No more creating custom fields because you can’t tie the new data into what you’ve already got—yeah, we saw you do that. Openprise automates the entire CRM data onboarding process, eliminates errors, and gives you hours of time back in your day.
Get leads into your system and out to your reps ASAP
- Standardize field values like State, Country, Job Level, and Job Function so you don’t have to.
- Clean up bad or missing field values.
- Fix formatting issues.
- Upload spreadsheets automatically from apps like Box, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Streamline data onboarding by tapping into the Openprise Data Marketplace
- Source data from leading providers like D&B, Clearbit, Google Places, and more using the Openprise Data Marketplace.
- Easily swap in one vendor for another—never get locked into one provider.
- Custom-blend data from multiple providers while ensuring field values conform to your standards, not theirs.
- Orchestrate which provider to use when based on your unique business processes.
Take advantage of pre-built integrations with the CRM solutions you use most
Bring in data from help desk and service solutions from systems like Desk. No more sending upgrade offers to customers that are struggling. C’mon, you know better.
- Create your own buyer personas to map to job titles, job functions, and job levels.
- Define how geographies roll up—put places like Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico in whatever regions align with your sales territories.
- No more spreadsheets, macros, or error-prone filters to normalize your data. With cleaner data, better segmentation, scoring, routing, and attribution are right around the corner.

Get all the capabilities you need to automate your Data onboarding
Create scoring models your sales team actually trusts