Data Catalog

Clean, enrich, activate

Get started
It takes good reference data to accurately clean and enrich your customer data. The Openprise Data Catalog is a library of expertly-curated and sourced open and premium datasets covering the full range of marketing and sales data enrichment use cases. Use the Open data library consisting of geographic, industry, job, and other public sources to immediately uplevel every aspect of your GTM strategy, from segmentation and personalization to lead routing and scoring. Or take your programs even further with Premium sources that allow you enrich your data with information from the Department of Labor, ITA, and NPI registry.
Reference data

Accelerate enrichment with Open data

Sourcing and testing enrichment datasets can take weeks, and even longer to determine their accuracy and quality. The Open Source Data Catalog allows you to get started immediately with quality geo, demo, job, bad email, and other reference data needed to clean and enrich your lead and account data.
Reference data
Compliance data
Compliance data

Support compliance with KYC, ERISA, and other US regulations

The Premium Data Catalog gives you access to key US government datasets, such as the ITA Consolidated Screening List and NPPES NPI Registry. Use them to automate the screening of customers and providers  to identify and flag risks for legal and compliance to review.

Gain visibility and control

Openprise gives you complete visibility into what and how each dataset is being used. Built-in integration with the platform allows you to use our algorithms to derive, for example, job level and functions from job titles, or create custom datasets for advanced segmentations.
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