Campaign Attribution with Openprise

Make attribution easy by automating the entire process

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You need trustworthy campaign attribution models to know where to invest your sales and marketing budget, but most attribution tools fall short because they assume that you have perfect data.

In the real world, duplicate leads and contacts, opportunities without any contacts, and dirty data can sabotage your best efforts. Openprise sophisticated campaign attribution tools overcome those hurdles to give you new insights into where to make your next sales and marketing investment.

Say goodbye to garbage-in/garbage-out—just take out the garbage

In the past, accurate campaign attribution meant you had to be equal parts sales ops tiger mom, data janitor, and forensic data scientist. And you needed to spend hundreds of hours doing manual, painstaking cleanup, stitching together data from different systems in different formats.
Openprise automates all the work to give you crystal-clear attribution:
  • Dedupe: Avoid double counting campaigns across a duplicate record. Merge duplicate leads and contacts to associate all your campaigns with the right person in your opportunities, and give them the correct attribution.
  • Assign contacts to opportunities: Automatically assign campaign members to corresponding opportunities based on your logic. No more opps without contacts.
  • Attribute leads to the right opportunity—even before converting them to contacts.

Create the right campaign attribution models: out-of-the-box or custom-fit

Every business is unique, so Openprise makes it easy to create the ideal attribution model for your organization.
  • Use first touch, last touch, and multi-touch—in any combination.
  • Tailor attribution models to fit the needs of your business.
  • Push data-relevant fields to your CRM or marketing automation platform of choice to give stakeholders a holistic view within one application.
  • Standardize company names, such as “GE” vs. “General Electric” using algorithms with fuzzy matching.
  • Normalize phone numbers in every country, based on the right local format, so auto dialers work flawlessly.
  • Normalize state and country fields to two-letter codes or spelled out, even with data in local languages and double-byte character sets, so segmentation is a breeze.

Get the full story with powerful reporting and visuals

It’s more than just the numbers. Openprise analytics shed new light into which campaigns are pushing the needle.
  • See the impact of every campaign on your top line.
  • Learn how each touch moves deals through your pipeline.

Get all the capabilities you need to automate your Campaign attribution

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See how automated list loading gets leads to salespeople faster

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