The Drivers Awards
Call for submissions now closed
Deadline: Friday, September 6, 2024

The Drivers Awards submissions are now closed for 2024
Winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at Open24
Please join us next year for the 2025 awards!
Award Categories
Driving Evolution
New for Open24, this category recognizes teams that have pivoted based on changing business needs or environments. While initial implementations of Openprise may solve specific data challenges, this award looks at companies that have realized gains from utilizing Openprise, then quickly evolved to address additional processes or make improvements to existing processes. The winner must be using Openprise to not only solve data and process challenges, but also make adjustments as needed to quickly adapt to new circumstances.
Driving Business Impact
This category recognizes RevOps teams that use Openprise to dramatically improve business processes, resulting in a direct impact on business performance. The winner must demonstrate a significant impact on business outcomes in any or all of these areas: increased revenue, improved operational efficiency, or reduced costs.
Driving Data and Funnel Visibility
This category recognizes RevOps teams that excelled at integrating data from multiple sources into a solid foundation using Openprise. The winner must have created order from chaos by combining data sets to enable multiple teams to have a shared vision of their data and funnel.
Driving Efficiency
This category recognizes RevOps teams that transformed the Ops function from a helpdesk to a strategic team with a critical impact on the business’s top line. The winner must demonstrate the ability to crank up the RevOps engine for maximum output and achieve more with fewer resources.
Driving Stack Optimization
This category recognizes RevOps teams that have a holistic vision in creating the most efficient RevOps tech stack. The winner must demonstrate the ability to anticipate future RevOps use cases and think strategically when planning and building the most optimal process and technology stack.
Driving Creativity
This category recognizes RevOps teams that use Openprise in an unconventional way. The winner must demonstrate a unique business need that required creating entirely new business cases that bring data together and use it to drive business and deliver information to teams in a novel way.
Rookie of the Year
This category recognizes RevOps teams that have started using Openprise in the last year, and are doing amazing, fun RevOps projects using the platform. A winner will be selected from qualified companies that submit for other categories.