In your words: The 2024 State of RevOps Survey
At Openprise, we talk to many people in revenue operations. We always suspected the themes in our conversations were part of a more significant trend. However, the lack of dialogue around these issues surprised us. Questions like, “What should revenue operations be responsible for?”, “Is there an executive track for operations professionals?”, and “Who should revenue operations report to?” should have concrete answers.
If B2B companies can’t consistently define revenue operations, how can these professionals argue for fair compensation, career growth, and reasonably defined job descriptions?
The short answer is: It’s a common struggle.
But where others see pitfalls, we see a wealth of opportunity. Revenue operations is still in a malleable phase of existence, and surveys like The 2024 State of RevOps Survey can create momentum for a role that many executives already perceive as pivotal to scaling a company.
Who participated in the survey?
Given our lofty ambitions for this survey, we knew it would be mission-critical to partner with communities created by and for operations professionals who support go-to-market teams. That’s why we partnered with MarketingOps.com and the RevOps Co-op to collect feedback from a global contingent of operations professionals spanning sales, marketing, customer success, and revenue operations.
These communities support an international collective of operations professionals that skew toward B2B technology companies with under 500 employees. Unsurprisingly, so did the survey participants.
What were the results?
We expected to have one core focus for the survey, butwe were surprised by just how much feedback we received. There were so many additional nuggets of truth across so many topics that we decided to share everything in a series of reports.
The 2024 State of RevOps Survey featured here shares key findings from the survey across all topics.
You’ll learn:
- How common revenue operations departments are vs. siloed operations
- How revenue operations is commonly defined
- Why we’re still talking about the need for go-to-market alignment in 2024
- Trends in operational maturity
- The #1 issue plaguing RevOps pros
This report, as we mentioned, is a starting point. You’ll get a clear picture of the health of the role, where ambitious teams should focus their efforts, and why we need a more defined career path for talented professionals who take on all things RevOps.
To those of you who participated in the survey, THANK YOU. Your feedback helps us understand the current landscape. This survey is just the starting point. Future collaborations, webinars, and reports will help us get the word out about what we’re seeing today and why it should change.
We’ll be surveying the community annually on these topics, and we are optimistic we’ll see the role evolve in a positive direction. There are headwinds in the market, and we should all do what we can to take advantage of them for the betterment of revenue operations.
What’s next?
Our goal was to identify top concerns and find patterns that could help professionals build a roadmap to address those concerns by understanding what the top professionals are doing differently. The additional reports offer detailed, prescriptive feedback across multiple facets of revenue operations.
Here are a few examples of what you can expect:
What does RevOps look like today – and what should it look like?
RevOps is still going through a major transitional period, and its definition varies from company to company.
While 89% of people with revenue operations titles report supporting all go-to-market teams, this isn’t supported by how most respondents define RevOps. Some of the variations include:
- “SalesOps 2.0” or 100% of the focus dedicated to Sales
- Marketing + Sales Support
- Systems Support reporting through the CTO or CIO
- Analytics Support reporting through the CFO or COO
In this report, we’ll look at what the numbers tell us and explore how optimistic operations professionals are about their 2024 budgets.
The elephant in the room: gaps between requirements vs. data & technology
Operations professionals, whether they’re working for a startup or enterprise organization, face the same struggles when it comes to a massive gap between what they are asked to do and what their data and technology are capable of doing.
For example, 80% of professionals report that clean customer and prospect data is “essential.” In stark contrast to that documented need, only 9% of operations professionals are “very satisfied” with the cleanliness of their customer and prospect data.
There is a massive opportunity for technology and analytics vendors to profit if they can find a solution because this survey clearly identifies operational needs that are not being met.
The 2024 operations roadmap
Are you suspicious that your organization is lagging in the maturity matrix? Do you have ambitions for a promotion? We’ve crunched the numbers and found some interesting patterns in technology investments and how skills are viewed in mature versus immature populations. To make things easier for your team, you’ll also find a list of resources that may be helpful for teams that want to develop skills that mature organizations value highly.
We and our community partners hope that you gain insights that are useful in your career and join us in our quest to make the revenue operations that pundits dreamed about a reality.
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